Friday, February 20, 2009


Stashes are a great thing! I've been working fervently on my lace scarf and I'm really surprised that I'm enjoying it as much as I am. I have three and a half stars completed. The pattern calls for nine stars, so I'm well on my way. Of course, the nice comments help, so thank you! However, I have not felt great the last couple of days. I have a terrible cold and here is what my diet has consisted of for the last two days:

There's nothing like Sudafed, fruit juice and throat lozenges for breakfast. Blech! But I'm getting better. Anyhoo, with my head feeling like someone had stuffed it with goose down, I wasn't really in the best state of mind to follow a chart to work on my lace scarf. Believe me, I tried....but the symbols kept switching places with each other.

But I couldn't spend the day not knitting, right? Right. So I went digging through my stash, because I wasn't up to going to the yarn shop either. And I found the Flat Feet that I had wanted to try knitting a long time ago but never got around to. I like knitting socks; it's fairly mindless until you get to the heel, so that's what I started tonight.

Here's what it starts off as:

I personally think it's kind of neat that it's already knit up and I get to unravel is as I go along, watching my surprise sock unfurl. My knitting friends weren't impressed. They thought it was kind of dumb to undo something that was already knit up. Thank goodness it's my sock!! Hehehe!

And here is the sock cuff (it's all I was able to do....apparently I knit a lot slower when I'm sick too).

Isn't that pretty, though? I'm excited to see the whole sock done! I'm going to try to knit a few more rows, then it's more Sudafed and I'm off to bed.



Story said...

nice food you're eating! I think the flat feet thing is weird too but, I like the colors of the sock you're making...and yea, you need to speed it up baby! Blocking boards, lace...what next..STEEKING...starting a carnival cruise for knitters...visiting Shetland to learn Fair Isle...the sky's the limit. Hope you feel better.

livnletlrn said...

Cool sock. Never would've expected it to look that way, based on the flat knitted sheet. I take apart Goodwill sweaters to harvest their yarn on a regular basis, so I think unraveling a knit something just to knit it into something else makes perfect sense!