I found it a bit amusing today that I had to make the distinction between someone being "passionate" as opposed to being "volatile". It perplexes me that when someone becomes animated about something that is important to them, they are looked at as being volatile and out of control. I personally think that this world would be a totally boring place if we all sat politely in our seats and articulated everything in a calm, monotone voice. Hehe. I would definitely not fit in that world.
After sitting at the shop for a few hours with the ladies, Jeff and I drove out to our friend's house and dinner with her family. I am in the process of making a bridesmaid's dress for her, and her mother always goes out of her way to make this huge meal to show me that she appreciates my efforts. Tonight she had a roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed turnips, gravy and cranberry sauce. Early Thanksgiving, right? I could have gone right to bed after dinner; but I was good and I cut out all of the pieces of the lining and decided to do the actual sewing on Monday. Tryptaphan is no joke.
And since Jeff's birthday is August 10, we then drove out to spend the rest of the evening with one of his closest friends. I found that to be a tad bit annoying, since it was ten o clock and all I wanted to do was crash in our big, comfy bed, but how do you say no to the birthday boy who does everything you want? Answer: You don't.
I want to show you the highlight of my morning. I woke up to Jeff already tooling around the house and playing with the dogs. Stan, our lab has a double ear infection so the poor thing is miserable. He has such a sad face and all I want to do is kiss him, but he's wearing the stupid "cone of silence" as Jeff an

Here's Benji sticking his tongue out at me:
How RUDE! He kind of looks like Popeye!
All he needs now is a funny pipe and a big ol' can of spinach and I might have to rename the little guy!

And here they are, enjoying their Saturday morning on our bed, being particularly photogenic, if I do say so myself!
They're usually fighting to see which one gets to sit in my lap. What a bunch of hams!

And here is my favorite series of pictures. Jeff has a very soft spot in his heart for Isabella because I think he put the most work into making her love him. SO this is their little moment that I was able to capture this morning. It's just one example of why I love this crazy man!

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