I've been hopeful......and FINALLY I can say with conviction that SPRING IS HERE!!!! I can feel it in my bones, people! IN MY BONES!! Hehehehe.....
I opened my eyes to a magnificent Sunday, and I knew immediately that my butt needed to be outside, And not in my usual way, which is me dragging my patio furniture out and knitting while watching passers by. I needed to be active......and being such a couch lover, I needed to call on some friends to help me remember what "outdoor activities" are. ;p
We decided to go frisbee golfing, or as it is better known in my neck of the woods, "disc" golf. And I would love to explain this in a fashion that makes this sound extravagant and la di da.......but essentially, it's just like a golf game, but you're throwing a frisbee, instead of hitting a ball, and you're trying to get it in a chain basket in the fewest amount of throws. And instead of nicely groomed fairways and things of that nature, you are hiking through about three acres of woods. It's a nice way to enjoy nature and still be active and slightly competetive.
So, Sarah and I took off to the West Thompson Lake and met up with our friends Heather and Chris. Here is
what the lake looked like on this glorious morning:
Even though the ice is doing its best to hold on, it is clear that Mother Nature has smugly informed it that resistance is futile!
It's moments like this that I wish that Jeff and I had really looked into buying a house where this view would be the first thing we saw when we looked out our windows. But unfortunately, that's dicated more by what's in one's wallet as opposed what one truly wants.
No matter.......I guess I'm just going to have to do a lot more camping!
Chris and Heather finally showed up, and to commemorate our first offical disc golf excusrsion of the year, I had them pose for a picture. Chris thought it was important to hold the discs up so that in the future when I look back at my scrap books and photo memoirs, I will always know we were on our way to play.
But I already know that everytime I look at this photo, I'm going to wonder why I didn't ask him to hold the actual frisbees in a diferent place. Oh brother!
So now you've seen the frisbees, and just in case you're curious, this is what the baskets look like. Golf = 18 holes. Disc Golf = 18 baskets. (Or nine if you are on a smaller course.
The park was fairly crowded. A lot of people woke up thinking it was a good time to enjoy the fresh outdoors. However, I almost made one of these poor people regret getting out of bed, when I almost pinged him in the head with my very misguided frisbee.
In my defense, how was I supposed to know that I had to look out for teenagers sitting IN a tree?!! I apologized profusely and then in pure classless fashion, asked them if I could take their picture. Hehehe....they happily obliged, saying they were flattered. Ahh.....silly boys.
So after traipsing over most of the course, we decided that our hunger pains were stronger than our will to finish out the game, so we walked all the way back to our vehicles and drove home where Heather fed us this really fabulous seafood/pasta/cheese/sauce yumminess.
I am looking forward to more days like this.