Holy God.......it's Saturday, August 22, and it's 3 something in the morning. What am I doing up at such a ridiculous hour? Knitting of course........and watching a super long episode of Columbo. If you really know me, you must know that I am in seventh heaven right now. What a perfect combination!
In reality I thought I would be up packing up my gear for our camping trip which begins tomorrow. The last time I went camping (which also happened to be my first time camping) I was very nervous and apprehensive because I had this strange notion that I was going to be sleeping in the midst of hungry bears who skillfully hid themselves amongst the foliage and bushes like nasty ninjas waiting to snack on my ample body. It turns out that we spent three lovely days at a cozy campsite that was located ten minutes from our home, which I might add had wonderfully clean bathrooms and no frikken bears. Surprise, surprise!
So, I'm super excited this time around. Jeff is taking his first vacation of the year so I actually get to spend some quality time with him, and I have been smiling at the thought for at least four days (although I can't guarantee how many people are going to be smiling when they see me jiggling around in my bathing suit all week long). We will be spending the week with a group of friends by a gorgeous lake and hopefully we can expect a few nice days so that Jeff and I can try out the new kayak his parents got him for his birthday. Oh yeah........hehehehe.......the man is finally thirty! The glee of it all!
This camping trip sparked my interest in writing my blog again, since it was the main reason I had started one in the first place; and as I am typing I realize how much has happened in my life in such a short span of time. It's weird. Where does the time go?? Seriously.
I suppose to commemorate my camping excursion part deux, I will tote my laptop with me and try to bring my blog up to date...........but in Reader's Digest fashion. I would probably bore myself to tears if I wrote EVERYTHING out!
OK....so off to bed. Big day tomorrow.
The Adrienne Blouse
3 years ago