Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sock It To Me Cabled Cap

I have finally decided to add my Sock It To Me Cabled Cap to my blog for anyone who is interested in making it for themselves or someone they love. It's a simple pattern using the sock yarn of your choice. The brim is a cable floating in garter stitches and you just pick up the edges and knit in the round till you've got a very comfortable hat! Hope you enjoy making it!

P.S. If anyone has already made this hat and would like to share your project with my readers, I would love it if you sent me some pics! Thanks!


Gauge: 7 stitches to the inch. I used a size two 16 inch circular needle, but you can use double pointed
Set up rows.
Cast on 30 stitches
K 10, Place marker, knit ten, place marker, knit 10
Knit 10, slip marker, purl ten, slip marker, knit 10
Row 1: Knit 10, slip marker, slip 5 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, knit next five
stitches, knit five stitches from cable needle, knit 10.
Row 2: Knit 10, slip marker, purl 10, slip marker, knit 10
Row 3: Knit 10, slip marker, knit ten, slip marker, knit 10
Row 4: Knit 10, slip marker, purl ten, slip marker, knit 10
Row 5: Repeat row # 3
Row 6: Repeat row # 4
Row 7: Repeat row # 3
Row 8: Repeat row # 4
This is your cable pattern.
Repeat rows 1- ­ 8 until your piece has 90 garter ridges. Bind off. Sew cast on edge and Bound off edge
together. This is the brim of the hat.
Pick up 160 along the brim of the hat. Place marker to identify beginning of row.
Knit in the round until the body of your hat is 9 inches deep.
Decrease round: *Knit 15, knit 2 together*. Repeat until end of row.
Next row: Knit
Next row: * Knit 14, knit 2 together*. Repeat until end of row.
Next row: * Knit 13, knit 2 together*. Repeat until end of row.
Next row: Knit
Continue in this fashion until you have 16 stitches remaining. Break yarn, leaving at least 8 inches.
With a darning needle, thread yarn through remaining stitches, cinching top of hat closed. Weave in your ends.


Friday, October 24, 2008


A couple of weeks ago Jeff and I went to IKEA and purchased a new bed, and thanks to the flu, I spent a lot of time in it! Initially the plan was to get a bed that was low to the ground so that Benji, our little arthritic Shitzu-Terrier mix can now jump up whenever he pleases without grunting in the middle of the night for me to pick him up. Since I sleep very little, it's a bit annoying to finally doze off to find myself being nudged awake by a whining little marshmallow dog. He's cute, and old, but it's annoying. And what's more irritating is that now that the bed is set up, Benji seems to like to sleep in his doggie bed now....right NEXT to the new bed! I've been trying to get him to sleep in his own bed for years, and now that I've tried to accomodate the little bugger, he has found a whole new appreciation for his own bed. Hmmmm.....

This flu came and placed me firmly on my rear. It was a bit rude, I think. No introductions, no warning....just "oh, and by the way, you're sick as a poisoned toad and you'll be in bed for a week". I'm sure if I were really able to remember and compare my different moments of illness, this flu could be comparable to other bouts I've had in the past. But since I can't remember......this is the worse I've ever felt!!

It started with a sore throat, which only aggravated me. By the next morning, I couldn't even straighten myself out on the bed. My back spasmed for days and I had a fever that wouldn't let up. Jeff worked from home the majority of the week to make sure that he could help me if I needed to get out of bed; but I felt horrible. I didn't even look at my knitting for days.

And of course, this all came after I had to postpone my tooth surgery due to another infection. It just seemed that everything was collapsing around me all at once. The one thing I did learn this last couple of weeks is that I am a huge baby when I'm sick. HUGE.

So tonight is the first night that I've been able to be out in public for more than 2 1/2 hours without being completely exhausted and I enjoyed sitting with my friends again at the knitting table, laughing until my lungs felt like they were either going to explode or be coughed out. I guess the only thing I can do is take things slowly and just be optimistic that I'll feel better with every day that passes.

Now I have to make sure that I am truly on my feet by Sunday. My in-laws are reconsecrating their wedding vows in honor of their 36th anniversary. It is a surprise party for the "bride" and I'm in shock that she is still clueless as to the big day. First of all, my sister in law keeps slipping with certain details, apparantly uncertain as to what the word "surprise" means. Thankfully, her mother never picks up on any of it. But then again, she doesn't pick up on much. She's not stupid.....just a little disconnected with her surroundings.

And Irving (my father in law) tries to talk about the plans with me, but because he's almost completely deaf, he speaks VERY LOUDLY. His whisper is louder than my outside voice. So there have been many conversations in which I sprinkled the word "shhhhhhhh!!" quite generously. Oh well. I think it will be lovely whether she knows about it or not. Now........let's hope he really gets more thank bagels for the reception............